World Unicycle Tour

A nice Warm showers guest

Ed Pratt was our second Warm Showers guest. He really has a very special aim! With his 39’ Unicycle he wants to become the first person traveling all around the world! And by this he wants to collect money for a special social activity: „School in a bag“.

We had some nice two days with him in Linz, with only few activity as the weather kept us more inside then was pushing us out to the city.

At the end we accompanied him for an hour or so towards east. Its so amazing seeing him paddling so quickly and sitting high up on his wheel.

When ever you have the chance to meet him, share some time with him and maybe give him some support we are sure it will be a good experience! We wish him good luck and all the best for his trip!

Here you find more information about his trip: Ed’s World Unicycle Tour

On the next posting „Where’s Ed?“ you can see where Ed is just now.